Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Next Step

February 7, 2014
We went to Mary Free Bed to meet with Dave Firlick so Shaun could get his compression sleeve.
They said that Shaun's arm looked like it was healing really well and the incision looked neat and clean, just a little swelling still. He showed them how he is now able to swing his limb and when he thinks about moving his thumb (that isn't there), the end of his limb moves. They were really impressed! David seems to think that Shaun may be a good candidate for a biomechanical arm. This means that the prosthesis works from the muscle/nerve electricity that he still has. So when he swings his limb forward, the arm would move up!
Dave checking the muscle strength Shaun has.
Throwing around new ideas for his prosthetic now that he has all this movement!
Learning how to put on the compression sleeve. The point of the sleeve is to squeeze the arm to get the fluid moving and promote healing. Most people that get a limb amputated still have working muscles that break down the fluids and move them out into the system. Shaun's arm muscles don't work so he needs the help of the sleeve to get the fluid moving.
Shaun wanted to see the prosthetic arms again before we left but Dave couldn't find them so instead he decided to bring us into the workshop! This is where they make all of the different prosthetic limbs.
One of the arms he is in the process of making.
Seeing how the elbow on this one works.
We found out that you can choose any fabric, tee shirt, or color you want to customize your limb. The bright fabric was something he was going to apply to an arm for a woman. Shaun is checking out another woman's leg. She has a black floral print on the upper part of her leg and then she also had them apply a white and blue chevron fabric to the brace! The possibilities are endless!

The workshop is made up of all different rooms.
Bins of all different parts and pieces.
Getting to see the workshop was so exciting! We never realized the work that goes into each prosthesis. It definitely got Shaun's mind going on how he is going to make his prosthesis his own. I'm sure whatever he chooses will be really awesome!  
We will go back in 2 weeks. Dave thinks the swelling should be gone and they can mold Shaun to get his prosthesis going!

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