Saturday, February 15, 2014

Recovery Time

It was a nice weekend after the surgery. Shaun wasn't able to remove the bandages for 5 days. So that meant the only thing I was in charge of was putting on his leg compression wraps when he was laying down. They were used to keep the circulation going to prevent blood clots. We did find however that they made sleeping a little tough for him with the inflating and deflating. We spent a lot of time on the big comfy couch watching tv and visiting with friends and family. Shaun's best friend Sean from Indiana came to town for the weekend to help out and spend time with us. It was great to have him around! Thanks Sean!
Taden gave Shaun his teddy Coconut to make him feel better! So cute!
Shaun started back to work on Monday, yes just 4 days after surgery! He said it went really well and felt good to get back to normal life.
5 days quickly past and Shaun was anxious to take off the bandages to see what his limb looked like.
So we started un-wrapping...

Once we got to this point, it was hard to get the rest of the gauze off because all the blood had dried and was sticking to his skin.
Shaun figured we would cut some of the extra gauze off.
Gross pictures I know. We had to take a few breaks from queasiness. We ended up having to get the rest of the gauze wet so they would unstick.
Yay!! Success! It looked like it was healing well. The only thing Shaun was a little worried about was the length of the limb. I think we both had expected it to be a bit shorter.
Dad, Mom, and Radar came over to visit and see how it looked.
Shaun always loves when Radar comes over!
Shaun's first shirtless pictures!
Taden dabbing the blood. He has been such a big helper! How many 7 year olds get to say that they help take care of their one armed step dad! Such a sweet boy!

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