Saturday, February 15, 2014

No More Stitches

February 10, 2014
Today we had an appointment at Orthopedic Associates of Michigan to get Shaun's stitches removed. Katie was super sweet and did a great job!

We're halfway there! Shaun said the back stitches did hurt to have taken out since the back of his arm has some feeling.

All done! There was a little bleeding but she said that is normal. Dr. Burgess happened to be in the office that day so he stopped in to see us and see how Shaun was feeling about the whole thing.
 Dr. Burgess was happy with the healing of the incision and also impressed with the movement! He said he would like to see us after Shaun gets his prosthetic. He is such a great man! We've been blessed with a wonderful team of nurses and doctors throughout this whole process. Thank you to all of you!




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