Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Second Step

January 8, 2014
Meeting with orthotics & prosthetics department at Mary Free Bed.
 The next step in our journey was meeting with David Firlik and Sean Taylor, both certified prosthetist.
(Making the most of the wait!)
(David Firlik checking movement and muscle use)
We got to sit down with David and Sean to discuss what sort of options we have as far as a prosthetic goes. Everything depends on the movement he has and what he intends to get out of it as far as use. Shaun has had plenty of time to research different prosthetics to see what he would like the most and what would work for him. A cable driven arm is what appeals the most to Shaun and would also give him the use that he wants.
(Sean showing Shaun how the cable driven prosthetic works)
We got to hear about the differences between prosthetics and what movement comes with each, as well as price difference. The one Shaun is interested in starts around $6,000-$8,000 and goes up depending on different options. It has a fabric strap harness that goes on like a backpack. In order to get use out of it, he only needs 1/4 in of movement. There are many different style attachments for the arm depending on what you need to do. The hook would be the most useful for Shaun, it can rotate or lock in place. He will also be able to lock the elbow joint into place for lifting things. The possibilities of this arm are endless. David said as far as removing the arm, we would want to go about 4 inches above the elbow. This way he will have still have shoulder to fill out his shirts and it's easier to fit a prosthetic.
(Shaun seeing the different attachments for the prosthetic)
(So many choices)
The process of getting fitted for a prosthetic won't be until awhile after surgery. By meeting with David and Sean, they will be able to communicate with the surgeon on what is needed for surgery and shown them that we have done our research. Everything is coming together and it's starting to feel real!

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