Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Right Fit..Or Not

May 2, 2014

Today Shaun has his fitting for his prosthetic.

Dave puts on a sleeve so that the arm can slide on easier. Then we ran into a problem. The arm wouldn't fit.

So Dave tried a different technique thinking maybe the end of the limb was getting hung up inside the mold. He tied a string onto the end of the sock and strung it through the end of the mold. The idea was to guide the arm down in.

Still no luck with that. One more try with a thinner sleeve in hopes in would fit.

Again no luck.  He measured the size of Shaun's arm and turns out it has changed since the last visit. We are thinking because he hasn't been wearing the compression sleeve anymore. Dave would like us to wrap the arm in a bandage again and let him know if the arm measurements change. In the meantime Dave is going to make a new mold for Shaun. Our next visit is for Friday May 9th. Let's cross or fingers we have a good fit and Shaun can take his new arm home! 

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