Monday, April 21, 2014

Time For Some Ink

April 2, 2014


Since this whole process has started, Shaun has been scouring the internet for images of tattoos. He has been planning on getting his limb completely tattoo'd (A full sleeve...or is it a half sleeve since there is only half the arm?) Anyway, he has been leaning more towards the black work tattoos. This is where more of the skin is colored in black and the showing of natural skin tone is the main part of the design. 

Shaun stopped in 2 weeks ago and made the appointment for his 1 of 3 sessions. Jeff, the owner of Area 51 Tattoo in Muskegon, MI would be the artist. Shaun patiently waited the two weeks and here we are, nervous and excited all at the same time. He doesn't have much feeling in his limb but he was worried it might hurt.

Shaun arrived and Jeff drew the design on Shaun's arm. They decided to start on the shoulder area first to give the end of his arm more time to heal completely. He started the design with pink marker, decided how they liked it. Then went over it with red marker, making any changes. Jeff is very good at free handing his designs.

The Start

Jeff was saying how strange it was that Shaun didn't flinch or anything each time he started
 (because he couldn't feel it)

Almost done with the outlines             Starting the filling in process

Jeff said he normally stops and restarts a lot to give the person a break but with Shaun he could work longer off of the puddle of ink he had going.

Front/Top View                                       Top/Back View
            Still Filling in                        Doing a nice job on the cover-up

Almost done for the day                 Session 1 Complete!

After a 3 hour session, he was exhausted and that the parts on the back by his armpit did hurt.

Shaun's next session is scheduled for April 22, 2014!!